
Bathar teth
  • POE IR Speed Network Dome PTZ Camera with Red-blue Light and Two-way Audio

    Camara PTZ Dome Lìonra astar POE IR le dearg - solas gorm agus claisneachd dà-shligheach

  • AI Detection Long Range Heavy Duty Multi Sensor PTZ

    Lorg AI Raon Ioma-mhothachadh trom-dhleastanas trom PTZ

  • The Dual-Spectral Gyro-Stabilized Intelligent Maritime PTZ

    An dà - Gyro Spectral - PTZ mara tuigseach seasmhach

  • AI Enhanced Boat tracking and detection Multi-sensor thermal long range PTZ camera for boarder and coastal defense

    Tracadh agus lorg bàta leasaichte AI Camara PTZ raon fada teirmeach ioma-mothachaidh airson dìon bùird agus oirthir

  • Multi Sensor Gyro-Stabilized Intelligent Night Vision Maritime PTZ

    Gyro ioma-bhrathadair - Sealladh oidhche tuigseach seasmhach PTZ mara

  • 4MP 40x zoom 6.4-256mm 40mm thermal Closed-loop control High speed dome PTZ camera CCTV camera with critical infrastructures

    Zoom 4MP 40x 6.4 - 256mm 40mm teirmeach Dùinte - smachd lùb cruinneach àrd-astar Camara PTZ camara CCTV le bun-structaran èiginneach

  • Multi Sensor Gyro-Stabilize Night Vision Maritime PTZ with Laser Range Finder

    Gyro ioma-bhrathadair - Dèan seasmhach air sealladh oidhche PTZ mara le lorgaire raon laser

  • Dual Sensor Long Range Thermal Marine PTZ

    Dà Sensor Long Range Thermal Marine PTZ

  • Factory wholesale Full Color Dual Light OEM 4MP Starlight Human Motion Tracking Outdoor Surveillance Camera CCTV Security PTZ Turret Dome IP Camera

    Slàn-reic factaraidh làn-dath Solas dùbailte OEM 4MP Starlight Gluasad Daonna a ’cumail sùil air camara faire a-muigh Tèarainteachd CCTV PTZ Camara IP Turret Dome

  • AI Detection Heavy Duty Long Range Thermal PTZ

    SOAR1050-TH R6
    Lorgaidh AI Dleastanas Trom Raon Teirmeach fada PTZ

  • SOAR789 Outdoor Dual Sensor Thermal PTZ Camera

    Camara PTZ teirmeach sensor dùbailte a-muigh SOAR789

  • 640×480 Night Vision Marine Ship Boat Mounted Sueveillance PTZ Thermal Imaging PTZ Camera Support Gyro Stabilisation

    640 × 480 Night Vision Bàta Mara Suveillance air a chuir suas PTZ ìomhaigh Teirmeach Taic Camara PTZ Taic Gyro Stabilization

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    Gus na h-eòl(fā)asan as fheàrr a thoirt seachad, bidh sinn a’ cleachdadh theicneòl(fā)asan leithid briosgaidean gus fiosrachadh inneal a stòradh agus/no faighinn gu fiosrachadh. Le bhith ag aontachadh ris na teicneòl(fā)asan sin leigidh sinn leinn dàta a phròiseasadh leithid giùlan brobhsaidh no IDan sònraichte air an làrach seo. Mura toir cead no tarraing air ais cead, dh’ fhaodadh sin droch bhuaidh a thoirt air feartan agus gnìomhan sònraichte.
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