China N'ogbe Ogologo Ogologo Ptz nwere Onye na-eweta ihe onyonyo thermal – Gyroscope Stabilization 2 Axis IR Thermal Imaging Dual Sensor Marine PTZ Camera – SOAR
China N'ogbe Ogologo Ogologo Ptz na Onye na-eweta ihe onyonyo thermal –Gyroscope Stabilization 2 Axis IR Thermal Imaging Dual Sensor Marine PTZ Camera – SOAR nk?wa:
Na-eji ?n? ah?a - ngw?ta d? mma iji weta sistem? nkw?si ike onyonyo axis 2 d? ?n? ala.
? b? k?mp?ta njikwa fotoelectric k?mpat, wuru - na modul gyroscope, sistemu moto servo, elu - oghere anya nk?wa, ogologo nlebara anya ogologo - ak?r?ngwa ihe onyonyo d? anya, nke kachas? maka ibunye n'?d? ?gb? mmiri niile, nke mb? maka ?gb? mmiri Ezubere maka ngwa ?gb? mmiri. .
At?mat? igodo
● Sistem? ?kw? ?gw? ab??:
Igwefoto ngwa anya kpakpando nwere 1/1.8 ″ Cmos sens?, oghere 317mm, mbughar? 52x;
Ihe mmet?ta d? elu Thermal Imaging Sensor640 × 480 Thermal Resolution with 75mm Lens;
● 360 ° omnidirectional elu - ?s? PTZ; ±90° Tilt nso;
● Ewubere-na ikpo ?k?/ fan, na-enye ohere ka nd? na-anagide ?n?d? ihu igwe kacha sie ike;
● Gyro Stabilization, 2 axis
● Nh?r? LRF;
● Ngosip?ta nke mmiri,
● Nkwado Onvif;
● Ndek? mkpuchi mmiri: IP67
Foto nk?wa ngwaah?a:
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![China wholesale Long Range Ptz With Thermal Imager Supplier –Gyroscope Stabilisation 2 Axis IR Thermal Imaging Dual Sensor Marine PTZ Camera – SOAR detail pictures](
Ntuziaka ngwaah?a emet?tara:
Otu any? site na ?z?z? ?kachamara. ?m?ma ?kachamara nwere nkà, mmet?ta siri ike nke enyemaka, iji mezuo mkpa nd? na-enye nd? na-az? ah?a maka China N'ùkwù Long Range Ptz With Thermal Imager Supplier -Gyroscope Stabilization 2 Axis IR Thermal Imaging Dual Sensor Marine PTZ Camera - SOAR, Ngwaah?a ah? ga-enye ya niile. ?wa, d? ka: Slovenia, Swedish, Ethiopia, Site n'?mep?ta n'ichep?ta na mba ?z? az?mah?a, any? nwere ike inye ng?k?ta ah?a ngw?ta site na. na-ekwe nkwa nnyefe nke ngwaah?a ziri ezi na ebe kwes?r? ekwes? n'oge kwes?r? ekwes?, nke na-akwado site na ah?mah? any? d? ukwuu, ike mmep?ta ike, àgwà na-agbanwe agbanwe, ?d? ngwaah?a d? iche iche na njikwa nke usoro ?l? ?r? yana nke any? tozuru okè tupu na mgbe ?r? ah?a gas?r?. . ? ga-amas? any? ?k?r? g? echiche any? ma nabata az?za g? na aj?j? g?.