ODM Igwefoto Interface Board Supplier – LPR H.265 Bullet Network Camera – SOAR
ODM Igwefoto Interface Board Supplier –LPR H.265 Bullet Network Camera – SOAR nk?wa:
N?mba nlereanya: SOAR202-LPRSoar202- Igwefoto mgbo usoro LPRis License Plate Recognition (LPR) ultra - obere - Igwefoto smart ?k? nwere ike weghara onyonyo ?gb? ala wee mata n?mba ?gb? ala (efere ikike) na gburugburu gbara ?ch?ch?r?. Igwefoto mgbo a na-enye mkpebi d? elu ruo mkpebi 4MP, 2560 × 1440,120 dB WDR, akpaaka iris, defogging, EIS, 3D DNR, nh?r? IR, kpo oku izute d? iche iche ngwa.?r? igodo:Nkwenye efere ikike
Isi at?mat?:
● 1 / 1.8 inch CMOS, 4mp; Ndozi (manul Adjust) Lens Focus;
● ìhè kpakpando; Na-ar? ?r? nke ?ma na gburugburu ?k? d? ala;
●Site na Algorithm mm?ta miri emi n'ime, Igwefoto nwere ike nzacha nke ?ma
●Ntinye aka nke ?gb? ala, an?man?, bjects ndabere, ihu igwe, wdg.
Wedata ?n?ego Nch?p?ta Agbaghara na Nch?p?ta ?gha;
●D?fe Ihu d? irè ruo mita an?;
●Anpr; (Ahaziri ahazi);
● Soro Gb/t 28181, Onvif Protocol;
● All Metal Structure; Anti-fog, Waterproof, Anti-corrosion, Ip66 gosiri
Hot Tags: Igwefoto mgbo LPR, China, nd? na-emep?ta ihe, ?l? ?r? mmep?ta ihe, ahaziri, Aluminom IR Speed ??Dome, 2MP Optical Zoom Camera Module, 20kg load pan tilt, Long Range PTZ, Forest Long Range PTZ Camera, Gyro Stabilization PTZ
Foto nk?wa ngwaah?a:

Ntuziaka ngwaah?a emet?tara:
Any? na-eche mgbe niile ma na-eme ihe kwek?r? na mgbanwe ?n?d?, ma too. We aim at the achieve of a richer mind and body and the living for ODM Camera Interface Board Supplier –LPR H.265 Bullet Network Camera – SOAR, Ngwaah?a a ga-enye n'?wa nile, d? ka: Mumbai, Auckland, Toronto, Any? enweela mmek?r?ta siri ike na ogologo ogologo oge yana nnukwu ?l? ?r? d? n'ime az?mah?a a na mba ofesi. Ngwa ngwa na ?kachamara mgbe - ?r? ire ere nke nd? otu nd?m?d? wetara nwere obi ?t? nd? na-az? any?. A ga-ezigara g? ozi miri emi na parampat sitere na ngwa ah?a maka nnabata nke ?ma. Enwere ike ibunye ihe nlele efu na ?l? ?r? lelee ?l? ?r? any?. n Portugal maka mkparita uka na-nabata mgbe niile. Na-at? anya ?nweta aj?j? p?nye g? wee wulite mmek?r?ta ogologo oge - mmekorita.