?l? ?r? obibi ODM PTZ - Igwefoto mgbo ihu - SOAR
ODM PTZ Housing Factory – Igwefoto Mgbo Mgbo Ihu - Nk?wa SOAR:
N?mba nlereanya: SOAR202Soar202 usoro ihu njide mgb? igwefoto b? ihe niile - metal ?d?d? na adabara ?d? ? b?la nke n'èzí scene. D? ka d? iche iche Mpaghara, ? nwere ike h?r? a d?gas? iche iche nke d? iche iche ese foto, na-enye a d?gas? iche iche nke mgbanwe na ofu focal ogologo na sens? nha. All usoro nke ese foto nwere ike weghara ihu na kemgwucha ala ìhè na nwere ntakiri illumination.This usoro nke ngwaah?a e mere maka nchekwa obodo, campus onyunyo na nd? ?z? yiri ?n?d?.?r? igodo:Njide ihu na buliteIsi at?mat?:● 1 / 1.8 inch CMOS, 2mp; Ndozi (manul Adjust) Lens Focus;●Starlight; Na-ar? ?r? nke ?ma na mpaghara ?k? d? ala●Na Algorithm mm?ta miri emi n'ime, Igwefoto nwere ike nzacha nke ?ma● nnyonye anya nke ?gb? ala, an?man?, bjects ndabere, ihu igwe, wdg.Welata ?n?ego nke nch?p?ta efu na nch?p?ta ?gha;
●D?fe Ihu d? irè ruo mita an?;
●Anpr; (Ahaziri ahazi);
● Soro Gb/t 28181, Onvif Protocol;
● All Metal Structure; Anti-fog, Waterproof, Anti-corrosion, Ip66 gosiri
Hot Tags: Igwefoto mgbo ihu, China, nd? na-emep?ta ihe, ?l? ?r? mmep?ta ihe, ahaziri, Igwefoto Dome Conference, Starlight Zoom Camera Module, Medium Duty Payload pan tilt, IP Zoom Camera Module, Dual Sensor Vehicle Mounted Ptz, Site Monitoring Auto Tracking PTZ
Foto nk?wa ngwaah?a:

Ntuziaka ngwaah?a emet?tara:
na-aga n'ihu na-emeziwanye, iji h? na ngwaah?a ngwaah?a kwek?r? n'usoro ah?a na ihe nd? ah?a ch?r?. Our company has a quality assurance system have been established for ODM PTZ Housing Factory –Face Capture Bullet Camera – SOAR, The ngwaah?a ga-enye n'?wa nile, d? ka: South Africa, California, Lebanon, Any? ?l? ?r? wuru kw?sie ike az?mah?a mmek?r?ta. ya na ?t?t? ?l? ?r? ?l? ama ama yana nd? ah?a si mba ofesi. N'ebumnobi nke ?nye nd? ah?a ngwaah?a d? elu n'obere akwa, any? etinyela aka n'?kwalite ikike ya na nyocha, mmepe, nr?p?ta na njikwa. Any? as?p?r?la ?nata nnabata n'aka nd? ah?a any?. Ruo ugbu a, any? agafeela ISO9001 na 2005 na ISO / TS16949 na 2008. ?l? ?r? nke "àgwà nke nlanar?, nt?kwas? obi nke mmepe" maka nzube ah?, ji ezi obi nabata nd? ?ch?nta ego ?l? na nd? mba ?z? ?ga leta iji kpar?ta imek? ihe ?n?.