OEM EO Mobile onyunyo Igwefoto Igwefoto Igwefoto – Gyroscope Stabilization Themal PTZ – SOAR
OEM EO Mobile onyunyo Igwefoto Igwefoto Igwefoto –Gyroscope Stabilization Themal PTZ – SOAR nk?wa:
? b? k?mp?ta njikwa fotoelectric k?mpat, wuru - na modul gyroscope, sistemu moto servo, elu - oghere anya nk?wa, ogologo nlebara anya ogologo - ak?r?ngwa ihe onyonyo d? anya, nke kachas? maka ibunye n'?d? ?gb? mmiri niile, nke mb? maka ?gb? mmiri Ezubere maka ngwa ?gb? mmiri. .
N'ihi igwefoto ?k? d? elu - nk?wa a na-ah? anya nke nwere ntinye anya n'igwe ojii yana obere ìhè, ngwa?r? ah? nwere ike ?h? ebumnuche doro anya na nnukwu foogu n'elu oke osimiri; The wuru-na 75mm oghere nwere ike izute abal? nlekota oru ka n'?z? ziri ezi ?ch?p?ta mmiri lekwas?r? na ihe mgbochi. Gwuo ?r? ?d? aka ná nt? mb?.
At?mat? igodo
Sistem? ?kw? ?gw? ab??:
Igwefoto ngwa anya Starlight nwere ihe mmet?ta 1/1.8 ″ Cmos, oghere 317mm, mbughar? 52x;
Ihe mmet?ta d? elu Thermal Imaging Sensor640 × 480 Thermal Resolution with 75mm Lens;
360° omnidirectional d? elu - ?s? PTZ; ±90° Tilt nso;
> Wuru - na ikpo oku/fan, na-enye ohere ka nd? na-anagide ?n?d? ihu igwe kacha sie ike;
Gyro Stabilization, 2 axis
> Nh?r? LRF;
: Marine gosiri imewe,
> Nkwado Onvif;
Ndek? ihe mgbochi mmiri: IP67
Foto nk?wa ngwaah?a:
![OEM EO Mobile Surveillance Thermal Camera Manufacturers –Gyroscope Stabilization Themal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/129.jpg)
![OEM EO Mobile Surveillance Thermal Camera Manufacturers –Gyroscope Stabilization Themal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/227.jpg)
![OEM EO Mobile Surveillance Thermal Camera Manufacturers –Gyroscope Stabilization Themal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/323.jpg)
![OEM EO Mobile Surveillance Thermal Camera Manufacturers –Gyroscope Stabilization Themal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/416.jpg)
Ntuziaka ngwaah?a emet?tara:
Chee na ?za aj?j? zuru oke iji mezuo ihe niile nd? z?r? any? ch?r?; nweta ?ganihu na-aga n'ihu site n'?re ah?a ?ganihu nke nd? ah?a any?; tolite ?b? onye mmek? ikpeaz? na-ad?gide ad?gide nke nd? na-az? ah?a ma bulie mmas? nke nd? na-az? ah?a maka OEM EO Mobile Surveillance Thermal Camera Manufacturers –Gyroscope Stabilization Themal PTZ - SOAR, Ngwaah?a a ga-enye ?wa niile, d? ka: Thailand, Sydney, Algeria , Af? ojuju nd? ah?a b? ihe mgbaru ?s? mb? any?. Ebumnuche any? b? ?ch?so àgwà kachas? mma, na-enwe ?ganihu na-aga n'ihu. Any? ji obi ?t? na-anabata g? ka g? na any? nwee ?ganihu n'otu aka, ma wuk?ta ?d?nihu ga-aga nke ?ma ?n?.