
Hua wera

ODM Infrared Thermal Camera Module Kaihanga - 2MP 20x Whakaaetanga Whatunga Topa Camera Module - SOAR

ODM Infrared Thermal Camera Module Kaihanga - 2MP 20x Whakaaetanga Whatunga Topa Camera Module - SOAR

Taipitopito Hua



Tohu Hua

Ka whakapau kaha matou ki te tino pai, ki te tino tika, me te whakatere i o maatau hikoinga mo te tu ki te taumata o nga hinonga o te ao - taumata me te teitei - hangarau mo5Mp Ptz Camera, 2MP IR Tere Dome kāmera, Bi-Spectrum PTZ Cameras, Ka kaha ake taatau ki te awhina i nga kaihoko mai i te kaainga me te ao, me te whakaputa i te painga tahi me te wikitoria-wini i waenga i a maatau. kei te tatari matou mo to mahi tahi.
ODM Infrared Thermal Camera Module Manufacturer –2MP 20x Compliant Network Zoom Camera Module – SOAR Taipitopito:

  • * Whakataunga Rawa: 2MP (1920×1080), Putanga Max: Full HD 1920×1080@30fps Atahanga Ora
  • * Tautoko H.265/H.264/MJPEG Hātepe Kōpeke Ataata, Maha-taumata Whirihoranga Kounga Ataata me te Whakawaehere

  • * Tautuhinga Matatini

  • * Whetu Whetu Maama iti, 0.0005Lux/F1.7(Tae),0.0001Lux/F1.7(B/W),0 Lux me IR
  • * 20x Topa Optical, 16x Topa Mamati
  • * Tautoko i te Waahanga Whakaurunga, Whakawhiti-Taitapa Rapunga, Te Motini, Te Parei Matatapu, aha atu.
  • * Tautokohia te Hangarau 3-stream, Ka taea e ia awa te whirihora motuhake me te whakatau me te reiti anga
  • * Te Whakawhiti Aunoa ICR, 24 haora i te ra me te po
Hot Tags: 2mp 20x kōwae kāmera topa whatunga ture, Haina, kaihanga, wheketere, whakaritea, T?rua Pūoko Waka Maunga Ptz, IR Tere Dome Ki Wiper, poti tautiaki waiariki maha pūoko kāmera, rua pūoko moana PTZ, Waenga Utu Utu paraharaha honga, HD IP Waka Whakamau Ptz

Kōwae Nama: SOAR-CBS2120


Pūoko Whakaahua

1/2.8” CMOS Matawai whakamua

Whakamaramatanga iti

Tae:0.001 Lux @ (F1.5,AGC ON); B/W:0.0005Lux @ (F1.5,AGC ON)


1/25s ki te 1/100,000s; E tautoko ana i te marumaru whakaroa


puku DC

Whakawhiti Ra/Po

ICR tapahia tātari

Topa matihiko



Roa Arotahi

5.5-110mm, 20xTopa Optical

Awhe Tuwhera


Tirohanga Whakapae


Tawhiti Mahi Iti

100mm-1500mm (whanui-tele)

Tere Topa

Tata ki te 3s (whatu, whanui-tele)

Paerewa Kōpeketanga

Kōpeketanga Ataata

H.265 / H.264 / MJPEG

H.265 Momo

Kōtaha Matua

H.264 Momo

Paepae Raina / Profile Matua / Tohu Nui

Auaumoka Ataata

32 Kbps~16Mbps

Kōpeketanga Ororongo


Auaumoka Ororongo


WhakaahuaTaumira Morahi1920*1080

Awa Matua

50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720); 60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)

Kore Tuatoru

50Hz: 25fps (704×576); 60Hz: 30fps (704×576)

Tautuhinga Atahanga

Ka taea te whakatikatika, te Maama, te Purata, me te Koi ma te taha kiritaki-te tirotiro ranei



Aratau Whakaaturanga

AE / Aperture Priority / Maatua Marumaru / Whakaaturanga A-ringa

Aratau Arotahi

Arotahi Aunoa / Arotahi Kotahi / Arotahi A-ringa / Tapa-Arotahi Aunoa

Te Whakaaturanga Rohe / Arotahi


Te kohu


Whakapumau Atahanga


Whakawhiti Ra/Po

Aunoa, pukapuka, wa, whakaoho whakaoho

3D Haruru Whakaiti


Whakawhiti Whakapapa Pikitia

Tautokohia te BMP 24-moka whakakikorua atahanga, he waahi kua whakaritea

Rohe Whakapaipai

Tautokohia nga awa e toru me nga waahi pumau e wha


Mahi Rokiroki

Tautoko kāri Micro SD / SDHC / SDXC (256G) tuimotu rokiroki rohe, NAS (NFS, SMB / CIFS tautoko)



Kawa Atanga



Atanga o waho

36pin FFC (Tauranga Whatunga, RS485, RS232, CVBS, SDHC, Whakaoho ki roto/waho ki roto/waho, hiko)


Te Mahana Mahi

-30~60, haumākū≤95%(kaore-condensing)

Tuku hiko


Kohi hiko

2.5W MAX(ICR, 4.5W MAX)





Whakaahua taipitopito hua:

ODM Infrared Thermal Camera Module Manufacturer –2MP 20x Compliant Network Zoom Camera Module – SOAR detail pictures

ODM Infrared Thermal Camera Module Manufacturer –2MP 20x Compliant Network Zoom Camera Module – SOAR detail pictures

ODM Infrared Thermal Camera Module Manufacturer –2MP 20x Compliant Network Zoom Camera Module – SOAR detail pictures

ODM Infrared Thermal Camera Module Manufacturer –2MP 20x Compliant Network Zoom Camera Module – SOAR detail pictures

Aratohu Hua e Pa ana:

E whakapono ana matou: Ko te auahatanga to tatou wairua me to tatou wairua. Ko te kounga teitei ko to tatou oranga. Ko te kaihoko me whai ko to tatou Atua mo te ODM Infrared Thermal Camera Module Manufacturer -2MP 20x Compliant Network Zoom Camera Module - SOAR, Ka tukuna te hua ki te ao katoa, penei: Belgium, Bangladesh, Pakistan, I roto i te maakete whakataetae whakataetae, Ma te ratonga pono nga hua o te kounga teitei me te ingoa e tika ana, ka tukuna tonu e matou he tautoko ki nga kaihoko mo nga hua me nga tikanga kia tutuki ai te mahi tahi mo te wa roa. Ko te noho i runga i te kounga, ko te whakawhanaketanga ma te nama ko ta matou whainga mo ake tonu atu, E whakapono ana matou ka mutu to haerenga ka noho hoa mo te wa roa.

  • Tōmua:
  • Panuku:

    privacy settings Tautuhinga tūmataiti
    Whakahaerehia te Whakaaetanga Pihikete
    Hei whakarato i nga wheako pai, ka whakamahi matou i nga hangarau penei i nga pihikete ki te rokiroki me te uru atu ranei ki nga korero taputapu. Ma te whakaae ki enei hangarau ka taea e maatau te tukatuka raraunga penei i te whanonga tirotiro me nga ID ahurei kei runga i tenei pae. Ko te kore e whakaae, te tango ranei i te whakaaetanga, ka pa kino ki etahi ahuatanga me nga mahi.
    ? Kua whakaaetia
    ? Whakaae
    Whakakahoretia ka kati