ODM Stabilizoi Furnizuesin e Kamer?s PTZ - Anti Corroision Multi Sensor Detar PTZ me stabilizim t? Gyroskopit - SOAR
ODM stabilizoi furnizuesin e kamerave PTZ –ANTI Korrozioni Multi Sensor Detare PTZ me stabilizim t? gyroskopit - Detaje SOAR:
Multi Sensor Marine Ptzsoar977 ?sht? krijuar posa??risht p?r aplikime detare dhe aplikime t? peshkimit. It has an optional multi-sensor load configuration and a high-performance 2-axis gyroscope stabilization system.Visible zoom lens options up to 300 mm and multiple sensor resolutions from Full HD to 4MP (sony starlight cmos sensor) make this PTZ a high- Performanca e gjat? - Kamera e dit?s n? distanc?. Funksioni optik i mjegull?s s? kamer?s b?n q? mjegulla e dendur skena m? posht? b?het e qart?. When paired with 800 meters laser illuminator or high-performance 75 mm thermal imaging camera, the SOAR977 PTZ system can also provide excellent night monitoring performance. In addition, you can also choose to install LFR (LASER RANGE FINDER) to accurately obtain the location of the target object.SOAR977 can withstand some of the harshest climates, making it an ideal choice for perimeter security, homeland defense, and coastal protection. SOAR977 Series Multi Sensor PTZ ?sht? nj? sistem multi sensor? standarde detare/detare. Strehuar me strehim t? anodizuar dhe pluhur - t? veshura, p?r t? siguruar mbrojtje maksimale. Kamera PTZ ?sht? anti - korrozive dhe IP67 e pap?rshkueshme nga uji. The PTZ can withstand some of the harshest climatesThis PTZ camera can make you safer when navigating in total darkness, and is widely used by fishermen, boat owners, yachts, emergency services and law enforcement agencies.As a PTZ manufacturer for 16 years, We can provide flexible OEM and ODM services, from components to solutions, including: customized brand and language, algorithm function customization, and appearance customization.
Etiketat e nxehta: PTZ Detare me shum? sensor?, Kin?, Prodhuesit, Fabrika, P?rshtatja, Vendosja e Shpejt? 4G PTZ, Moduli i Kamer?s Zoom, Stabilizimi i Gyroskopit PTZ me distanc? t? gjat?, automjeti me ngarkes? t? dyfisht? PTZ, Matja e Temperatur?s s? Trupit, Kamera Termale e Mjetit t? Trupit, HD Automjeti IP i montuar PTZ
Modeli Nr. | SOAR977 - Th675a52 |
Imazh termik | |
Detektor | FPA silikoni amorf i pangopur |
Formati i Array/Pixel Pitch | 640 × 480 /17μm |
Ndjeshm?ri | ≤60mk@300k |
Shkalla e korniz?s s? imazhit | 50 Hz (PAL)/60Hz (NTSC) |
Varg spektral | 8 - 14μm |
P?rkufizimi i figur?s | 768 × 576 |
Lente | 75 mm |
Fov | 8.3 ° x6.2 ° |
Zmadhim dixhital | 1x , 2x , 4x |
Ngjyra pseudo | 9 paleta me ngjyra psedudo t? ndryshueshme; E nxeht? e nxeht?/e zez? e nxeht? |
Varg zbulimi | Njeriu: 2200m |
Automjeti: 10000m | |
Varg njohjeje | Njeriu: 550m |
Automjeti: 2500m | |
Kamer? ditore | |
Sensor imazhi | 1/1.8 ”CMO progresive t? skanimit |
Minim Ndri?im | Ngjyra: 0.0005 LUX @(F1.4, AGC ON); B/w: 0.0001lux @(f1.4, agc n?); |
Gjat?si fokale | 6.1 - 317 mm; 52x Zoom optik |
Gam? e hapjes | F1.4 - f4.7 |
Fush? shikimi | Fusha horizontale e shikimit: 61.8 - 1.6 ° (e gjer? - Tele) |
Kompresim video | H.265 / H.264 / MJPEG |
Zgjidhje | 1920 × 1080, |
Blc | Mb?shtetje |
M?nyra e ekspozimit | Ekspozimi automatik/p?rpar?sia e hapjes/p?rpar?sia e qepenit/ekspozimi manual |
Kontrolli i Fokusit | Fokusi automatik/nj? - Fokusi i koh?s/Fokusi manual |
Ekspozimi/Fokusi i Zon?s | Mb?shtetje |
Defog | Mb?shtetje |
N?n? | Mb?shtetje |
Pajtueshm?ri | Onvif 2.4 |
Stabilizim gyro | |
Stabilizim | Mb?shtetje 2 bosht |
Sakt?si statike | <0.2 ° rms |
Mod? | Fikem/fikur |
Tigan | |
Gam? | 360 ° (e pafund) |
Shpejt?si | 0,05 °/s ~ 500 °/s |
Varg pjerr?si | –90 ° ~ +90 ° (e kund?rta automatike) |
Shpejt?si pjerr?sie | 0,05 ° ~ 300 °/s |
Numri i paravendosjeve | 256 |
Patrull? | 6 patrulla, deri n? 18 paracaktime p?r patrull? |
Model | 4, me koh?n totale t? regjistrimit jo m? pak se 10 minuta |
I p?rgjithsh?m | |
Fuqi | DC 124V, hyrje e tensionit t? gjer? ; Konsumi i energjis? : ≤60W ; |
Com/protokoll | Rs 422/ Pelco - D/ P |
Dalje video | Video me imazh termik 1 kanal ; Video e rrjetit , p?rmes RJ45 |
1 kanal HD Video ; Video e Rrjetit , p?rmes RJ45 | |
Temperatur? pune | - 40 ℃ ~ 60 |
N? rritje | Montim i zakonsh?m |
Mbrojtje p?r hyrje | Standardi i mbrojtjes IP67 |
Dimension | φ265*425 mm |
Pesh? | 13 kg |
Fotografit? e detajeve t? produktit:

Udh?zues i Produkteve t? P?raf?rta:
Ndjekja dhe q?llimi yn? i fort? duhet t? jet? "t? p?rmbushim gjithmon? k?rkesat tona t? bler?sit". We carry on to produce and structure top-quality excellent solutions for equally our aged and new consumers and accomplish a win-win prospect for our consumers as well as us for ODM Stabilized Ptz Camera Supplier –Anti Corrosion Multi Sensor Marine PTZ with Gyroscope Stabilization – Soar, produkti do t? furnizoj? p?r t? gjith? bot?n, t? tilla si: Czecheke, Liban, Island?, n?se ndonj? prej k?tyre artikujve do t? jet? me interes p?r ju, ju lutemi na tregoni. Ne do t? jemi t? k?naqur t'ju japim nj? citat pas marrjes s? specifikimeve t? holl?sishme t? dikujt. Ne kemi angazhimet tona me p?rvoj? personale t? R&D p?r t? takuar ndonj? nga rigjenerimet e dikujt, ne duket se do t? marrim pyetjet tuaja s? shpejti dhe shpresojm? t? kemi mund?sin? p?r t? punuar s? bashku me ju n? t? ardhmen. Mir?sevini p?r t? par? kompanin? ton?.