Furnizuesit e kamerave OEM termike dhe t? dukshme bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome – vizion nate gjat? gjith? motit IP Thermal PTZ – SOAR
Furnizuesit e kamerave me dome PTZ termike dhe t? dukshme OEM Bi-Spectrum PTZ – vizioni nat?n gjat? gjith? motit IP Thermal PTZ – Detaje SOAR:
Predha kompakte alumini, klasi i mbrojtjes IP66, mbrojtja nga mbitensionet dhe rrufet?, me mbajt?se amortizator, mund t? aplikohet n? rrug? t? ndryshme t? thyer;
Futja e kamerave t? imazhit termik mund t? b?j? q? pajisjet t? p?rdoren m? gjer?sisht n? mjedise detare, anije dhe rimorkiator?, dhe ?sht? gjithashtu shum? i p?rshtatsh?m p?r monitorimin e oborreve t? magazinimit, oborreve hekurudhore, gardheve, rrug?ve dhe vendndodhjeve t? tjera q? k?rkojn? zbulimin e njer?zve n? distanca t? gjata, automjeteve apo anijeve.
Karakteristikat kryesore
●2MP 1080p, rezolucion 1920×1080; me lente zmadhimi optik 30x, 4,5~135 mm;
Imazhi termik: 640×480 ose 384×288; me lente 25 mm.
●Rrotullim pa fund 360°; -15~90° diapazoni i pjerr?sis?;
● Gama e gjer? e tensionit – Perfekt p?r aplikacionet celulare (12-24V DC)
●Amortizatore opsionale
●Ideale p?r sigurin? rrethuese, mbrojtjen e atdheut dhe mbrojtjen e bregdetit. p?r instalim dhe mir?mbajtje;
●Pamje mbres?l?n?se, dizajn strukturor i integruar, i leht? p?r instalim dhe mir?mbajtje;
●V?zhgim celular;
●CCTV detare
●Mjet ushtarak
●Kamera robotike
Fotografit? e detajeve t? produktit:
![OEM Thermal And Visible Bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome Camera Suppliers –all weather night vision IP Thermal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/119.jpg)
![OEM Thermal And Visible Bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome Camera Suppliers –all weather night vision IP Thermal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/219.jpg)
![OEM Thermal And Visible Bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome Camera Suppliers –all weather night vision IP Thermal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/315.jpg)
![OEM Thermal And Visible Bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome Camera Suppliers –all weather night vision IP Thermal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/moblile-thermal-ptz42002138660.jpg)
![OEM Thermal And Visible Bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome Camera Suppliers –all weather night vision IP Thermal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/moblile-thermal-ptz42003700843.jpg)
![OEM Thermal And Visible Bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome Camera Suppliers –all weather night vision IP Thermal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/moblile-thermal-ptz42006063257.jpg)
![OEM Thermal And Visible Bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome Camera Suppliers –all weather night vision IP Thermal PTZ – SOAR detail pictures](https://cdn.bluenginer.com/2CJ7W9U9PIHgGsfm/upload/image/products/moblile-thermal-ptz42045510244.jpg)
Udh?zues i produktit p?rkat?s:
N? vitet e fundit, biznesi yn? p?rvet?soi dhe treti teknologjit? e avancuara n? m?nyr? t? barabart? brenda dhe jasht? vendit. Nd?rkoh?, kompania jon? ka nj? grup ekspert?sh t? p?rkushtuar p?r avancimin tuaj t? Furnizuesve OEM Termal And Visible Bi-Spectrum PTZ Dome - vizioni nat?n gjat? gjith? motit IP Thermal PTZ - SOAR, Produkti do t? furnizoj? n? t? gjith? bot?n, si p.sh. : Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe, Kaliforni, Etiopi, V?llimi i lart? i prodhimit, cil?sia e lart?, shp?rndarja n? koh? dhe k?naq?sia juaj jan? t? garantuara. Ne mir?presim t? gjitha pyetjet dhe komentet. N?se jeni t? interesuar p?r ndonj? nga produktet tona ose keni nj? porosi OEM p?r t? p?rmbushur, ju lutemi mos ngurroni t? na kontaktoni tani. Puna me ne do t'ju kursej? para dhe koh?.